4K 60FPS 20MP 2.0 Touch LCD EIS Dual Screen WiFi Webcam Waterproof Helmet Sports Video Cam K80 Action camera
10 Snin + Esperjenza fil-Produzzjoni OEM 4K FHD 60fps Action Camera 24MP 2.0 Inch Screen LCD EIS 8x Zoom Video Shooting 30m Waterproof Pro Sports Cam Go |
Post ta' Oriġini | CN(Oriġini) | L-isem tad-ditta | OEM | Numru tal-Mudell | D5K | Chipset | Mstar8826 | Sensor | Sony | Media Type | MicroSD | Built-in Memory Size | Non | Additional Function | Nightshot, Motion jpeg, Recording Function, Face Priority, Support WIFI, Waterproof Hidden, Ma jgħaddix ilma, Camera Function | Daqs tal-Iskrin | 2.0″+1.3 | Maximum Aperture | 2.8 | Wideangle | 170° | Image Sensor | Other SONY Series | Effective MegaPixel | About 24MP | Supporting Language | Japanese,French,German,Italian,Spanish,Portuguese,English,Korean, | Main Processor ( Maximum HD Support) | All winner (4K/60FPS) | Display Screen | Iva | WIFI Support | Iva | Image Stabilization | Electronic Image Stabilization | Memory Card Type | MicroSD / TF | Ċertifikazzjoni | CE | NightShot Function | Iva |
4K/60FPS Action Camera & 24MP Photo |
It offers professional 4K/60FPS video and 24MP photos, which is better than most sports cameras in the market. has excellent image quality. You can film your adventures to view later, capturing footage to share with family and friends.At the same time it also supports car mode and web camera mode |
Electronic Image Stabilization 3.0 |
This action camera is equipped with improved 6-axis EIS, it can provide gimbal-like stabilization and greatly boost the stability and fluency of your recording. It can enable excellent footage even you or the object is in fast-moving.(Applicable: 4K@30fps, 2.7K@30fps, 1080P@60fps) |
More Stable WiFi Function & Remote Control |
Just download the App on your phone and connect with this camera. Then you can easily share and review videos and photos on your smartphone. This Action Cam comes with a wireless wrist remote control, convenient to record moments while doing sports. |
Multiple Mode & Free Valuable Accessories |
Awesome functions like loop recording, time lapse, burst photo, slow motion will meet all of your recording. Included accessories of remote, waterproof housing and multifunctional mounting kits help you expand your usage scenarios with reasonable budget. Super EIS: Make the video you shoot more stable and clear. 2inch touch screen easy to operate Mstar 8826 chipset2022new superior video 4K quoality              
Merħba OEM u ODM Shenzhen Harrison Industrial Co.,Ltd is located in Shenzhen -China’s manufacturing center for Car dash cam and Motorcycle Camera. We cover an area of over 1000 square meters,4 production lines.we have 10+ years OEM ODM expericence for Auto Electrics Specially Car DVR . In 2019,we begin manufacture for more electrics such as translate machine.Untial now we have already established long-term business relationship with customer all over the world. aħna diġà lesti li niżviluppaw l-aktar prodotti avvanzati biex nissodisfaw l-aħħar rekwiżiti tas-suq. Aħna ferħanin ukoll li noffru servizzi OEM u ODM biex nilħqu diversi ħtiġijiet ta 'adattament f'kull ħin. |
Mod tat-trasport: Kampjun b'xejn huwa disponibbli ladarba taċċetta l-ġbir tal-merkanzija Terminu tal-ħlas: 30% T/T, L/C fil-vista |

Q1: X'inhu l-MOQ tiegħek?
A1: L-ebda MOQ għal kwalunkwe test tal-kampjun. Ħafna drabi għandna oġġetti fl-istokk għat-tbaħħir veloċi
Q2: Irridu ODM dash cam tagħna stess,Tista 'offter servizz bħal dan?
A2:Iva ,Merħba ODM u servizz OEM
Q3: Inti fabbrika ?
A4:Aħna 10 snin alibaba u SGS verfied dash cam manifattur għall-karozza u motoċikletta
Q4:Nistgħu nġibu prezz aktar baxx? Kwalunkwe Skont?
Iva, il-prezz mhuwiex problema, kollox jista 'jiġi nnegozjat ibbażat fuq il-kwantità.
Q5: Għal termini tal-Kummerċ ,Bħal ħlas
A5: Termini ta 'ħlas: Aħna nappoġġjaw il-paga permezz ta' alibaba ,T/T, Paypal ,Unjoni tal-Punent,Trasferiment bankarju,eċċ
Q6: Jekk tordna llum, meta tista 'tibgħat?
A6: Normalment ikollna oġġetti jew materjal fl-istokk għat-tbaħħir veloċi. jekk għall-prodotti OEM ODM ,hekk ikun 15-25 ġranet tax-xogħol skond it-talba differenti tal-klijent.
Q7: Għandi bżonn biss 200pcs ,tista tagħmel il-logo għalina?
Iva ,normalment 100pcs jistgħu jagħmlu l-enerġija b'xejn fuq u mitfi logo , 1000pcs jistgħu pakkett ODM, 200pcs jistgħu jipprintjaw il-logo,merħba ikkuntattjana għal aktar dettalji.
S'issa m'hemmx reviżjonijiet.