Truck Camera Parking Sensor 360 degree hard disk connect to DVR for truck/bus/ RV Bibi sound Truck Parking Sensor

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Complete Parking Solution

The new 360-degree truck camera and parking sensor system is designed to make parking larger vehicles, including trucks, buses, and RVs, safer and easier. Featuring a comprehensive view and advanced sensors, this system ensures you can park with confidence.

Enhanced Safety Features

Equipped with a ‘bibisound, the truck parking sensor provides audible alerts to help you gauge the distance between your vehicle and obstacles. The 360-degree camera offers a complete view around your vehicle, drastically reducing the chances of blind spots.

Seamless Integration

This system connects to a DVR with a hard disk, ensuring that all footage is captured and stored securely. Ideal for fleet management or individual use, this truck camera and parking sensor system improves safety, efficiency, and peace of mind for drivers.


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