Rearview Mirror Dash Cam Best Selling 9.66 Inch 1080P Night Vision Driving Recorder AHD
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Rearview Mirror Dash Cam Best Selling 9.66 Inch 1080P Night Vision Driving Recorder AHD
Опис производа
Streaming Media DVR Mirror
The streaming rearview mirror uses full screen instead of the original viewing mirror. The rearimage of the vehicle is displayed on the screen in real time through the camera. Compared with the rear view mirror, it is lessaffected by bad weather and has a clear view. Full-screen display and 3x rear view to expand the driver’s field of vision. Keepyour driving safe.
Front Camera Design
Of view.With this thoughtful front lens design, you no longer have to worry about the rain sensor touching the DVR’s field.
Screen Viewing Angle Adjustable
You can adjust the appropriate angle of view by long pressing the screen and moving your finger up and down. Front camera adjustment:
Rear camera adjustment:
Full HD Glass Screen
Efficiently retain every detail.
Support Night Vision Function
Using a large aperture night vision lens, while the camera chip built-in night vision processing function.
Motion Detection
Check if there are pedestrians passing by to prevent accidents.
170 Degree Wide Angle
With a 170-degree wide angle lens, the camera can comfortably monitor 3 lanes. This camera has no blind spots. Enjoy your journey and achieve accurate and detailed captures.
Automatic Reverse Safety Parking
When the car is reversing, the device automatically switches to the rear camera image view through a 10-inch full-mirror screen. It comes with high-quality images that help identify important details such as license plates, driver movements and road functions that may prove your innocence.

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